Giambatista Vico

Giambatista Vico

Vico focuses on the study methods of the ancients and modern times. His views discuss how present study methods are better than the study methods of the past, and ways in which the inferior study methods of the present could be modified.

Vico believes that every study method is made up of three things, instruments, complimentary aids and the aids envisaged. Vico states that the instrument of study for geometry is analysis, medicine was chemistry, microscope for anatomy, telescope for astronomy and mariners needle for geography. However, numerous achievements have been made from ancient to modern times.

Vico’s ides align with that of Plato. For example Plato lay the foundation for Mathematics, science, literary art, and rhetoric to mention a few.(Plato:80).

Vico states that Chemistry and its offspring, pharmacological chemistry have made outstanding advancements until now(10-11). For example, Vico describes how motions of machines help detect diseases in our human body and how these diseases can be treated successfully. Also, microscopes help discover minute internal organs, of plants, of silk worms and of insects and also the process of generation through incubation of eggs(Vico 10).

Furthermore, a multitude of advancements have been made as far as astronomy is concerned. For example, a modern telescope has brought within us a multitude of new stars, the variability of sun spots, and phases of the planets (Vico 10).

However, the ancients guessed vaguely, in a prophetic sort of way, at the existence of transoceanic land by use of mariner’s compass. (Vico11).

Vico mentions how the study methods of the present times could be improved to cultivate the minds of the pupils.

Vico states that young men should be taught the totality of arts and sciences ( a concept derived from Plato), their intellectual powers fully developed, imagination and memory fortified, and at a later stage, let them learn criticism, so they can apply the fullness of their personal judgment to what they have been taught(Vico-19). This is related to the study methods in schools and colleges today. Considering the English class, for example, when studying a novel, the students master the story and facts presented first and later are asked to do a critical analysis of the novel or the protagonist.

Vico also mentions about the drawbacks in our education system. He reflects on Character education and states that much attention is paid to Natural Sciences than to Ethics(Vico-33).

Finally, Vico’s arguments are directed on the study methods of modern times, gaining superiority over the study methods of ancient times and overcoming the barriers and making the study method of the modern times most superior.

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