Monthly Archives: September 2009

Class Blog Post 1

Two of the articles I liked one I found extremely offensive!  Maybe I am too embroiled within the subject, since I have taught and believe in technology integration.  I thought Neil Postman had some good points but most of his…

Snack Wrangling

Please refer to the class schedule and in a comment here, tell me which day you’d like to provide food and drink–each date will have 2 people. 9/24 Kim and Mike 10/8 Nobody 10/22 Alex Janney 10/29 Ryan and Mariana…

English Allies

I ended my blog with this question: To me, since reading and writing go hand-in-hand, shouldn’t they be allies in the digital takeover? “The Figure of Writing and the Future of English Studies” made me wonder about the content of…

What is the Internet For?

Look at the argument you made about the internet for today’s class. Compare it to the three models of arguments and decide which it resembles most closely. As a group, compare your arguments and see what ideas and evidence you…

English 5010 Student Blogs

You are all setting up your own blogs, joining the people who contribute content to the web rather than just consuming it. You have become “prosumers” or “produsers.” Welcome to Web 2.0! From a presentation by Axel Bruns.