Monthly Archives: October 2009

JZ: The Future of Internet…Part II

Zittrain drew some risks that Internet face in Part II.  For one, there the rise of Internet appliances: mobile phones, Kindles, and X-boxes. These gadgets can provide non-risk environment and they are costly to restrict programmers’ ability to be more…


I am still learning how to use Diigo. But this is unbelievable stuff! When did it become available? I had no idea that this was available to everybody. So far, I learned the following features, and I liked them all:…

The Age of Postcriticism . . . Really?

The goal of Selber’s book “Multiliteracies for a Digital Age”  is to provide teachers with a guide for implementing computer literacy programs with the result of producing multiliterate students.  As a result of the dominant presence of computers in the…

Interesting and Useful Websites

There are any number of websites that might enrich our understanding of how technology, new/digital media, and the internet are affecting our lives.  Here are a few of them: Digital Nation: Life on the Virtual Frontier, from Frontline. According to…


Myspace and Facebook are trendy (one may be more so than the other) .  In fact, regardless of the logic/science/rhetoric/ etc. behind many movements, in order for them to ascend to the masses they must become “cool” in the minds…

Possible Tools

Social Bookmarking Tools These websites allow you to create online bookmarks that you can annotate, tag, share, and sync with your web browser.  Further and even more usefully, you can explore the webpages other people have also tagged; for example…

Education as a Solution

When I think about the potential for computer virus attack I get worried.  After reading the Jonathan Zittrain chapters I wonder why there isn’t more destruction wreaked by rogue hackers and evil doers.  According to Zittrain, the personal computer (PC)…