Monthly Archives: November 2009

Learn AND Play? Impossible!

In this week’s blog, I discussed the link between gaming and education (at least the link that could exist but currently doesn’t). It’s a topic I’ve addressed quite a bit in my blog because of my Xbox addiction, but I…

Learning and Games: Cut the Crap!

James Paul Gee, thank you for writing an article for gamers, by a gamer. Now, please don’t ever do it again. Gamers are not academics. Some people, my professor included, will try to tell me this is not true. But…

Little Brother, Big Implications

Cory Doctorow’s text Little Brother yields multiple implications for the society in which we (hopefully not blindly) reside.  Doctorow’s entertaining yet horrifying depiction of Marcus and his experience with the Department of Homeland Security, exemplifies a reactionary response to a terrorist…

Sample Proposals

Here are several proposals I have successfully submitted for conferences.  They may be helpful examples. Desire, Dissent and Differentiation: Sustaining Growth in Virtual Networks — New Network Theory 2008 Many if not all virtual communities have been spawned out of…