Monthly Archives: April 2010


“In the beginning was the word” that sparked the creation of language and its complex system of signifiers, an infinite loop expanding as new ideas breathe into existence. Burke calls the rhetorical use of these symbols magic; its practitioners, spellbinders.…

Defining Rhetoric: A Vain Attempt

To begin, I would like to criticize Kenneth Burke’s complex statements for my simple mind.  Although reading Anne’s post provided clarity regarding his text and idea of  “alienation” resulting from languages’ (signifier) inability to fully express meaning (signified), I believe Burke is entirely too…

(Re)Defining Rhetoric

Based on the readings for the week, it seems to me that the 20th century recovery of rhetoric is about defining what is entailed when we talk about rhetoric.  Not necessarily satisfied with the way rhetoric was being treated, intellectuals…

Commentary 6

The readings for this week reinforced the idea that word choice is an essential component of rhetoric. In Burke’s, Language as Symbolic Action he makes reference to how Pascal found a way around dueling. While his sneakiness had very little…

Fusion of Present and Past

Man is a symbol using animal and dramatism functions as a philosophy of human relations. Burke’s dramatism answers many empirical questions of how people explain their actions to themselves and others, and explains the different cultural and social structural influence…