Author Archive for Jeong Kinser

Jeong’s Scouting Report: TED

I want to introduce TED community to teachers of composition or literature.  Utilizing TEDTalks would be highly constructive in those classes.  The rapid development of the new media has been difficult to equate the process of its actual practice into…

JZ: The Future of Internet…Part II

Zittrain drew some risks that Internet face in Part II.  For one, there the rise of Internet appliances: mobile phones, Kindles, and X-boxes. These gadgets can provide non-risk environment and they are costly to restrict programmers’ ability to be more…


I am still learning how to use Diigo. But this is unbelievable stuff! When did it become available? I had no idea that this was available to everybody. So far, I learned the following features, and I liked them all:…