English 5001

Elbow and the Teacherless Classroom

Peter Elbow presents an interesting concept on how writing should be taught in the classroom. Where traditional teaching involves students writing papers and a single teacher grading them based on what he or she believes to be good writing, Elbow…

Midterm Responses

The relationship between the study of rhetoric and the development of virtue or an ethical sense has been debated since classical times. A1. Discuss how views of this relationship have changed over time, or compare the issue across the Greek/Roman,…

The Writing Process Elbow Style

The Writing Process Elbow Style According to Elbow the emphasis should be on writing and responding. I think what he is saying, is that writing is a process. People are given a literacy process in schools that begins with the…

Midterm A2

Midterm The relationship between the study of rhetoric and the development of virtue or an ethical sense has been debated since classical times. A2. Explain the classical and enlightenment definitions of rhetoric and propose a contemporary definition.  Account for the…

Midterm B1

                        Midterm Looking at Western, Indian, and Chinese classical Rhetorics, we can see similarities and differences. B1. Is it possible to really understand the rhetorical tradition of another culture?  Explain why or why not, based on arguements of Yameng lui,…

Midterm 5001

Set A: The relationship between the study of rhetoric and the development of virtue or an ethical sense has been debated since classical times. Explain the classical and Enlightenment definitions of rhetoric and propose a contemporary definition. Account for differences…

Midterm 5001

Question A-3 In writing class today, how might a perception that studying rhetoric will lead to virtue manifest itself in pedagogy? You may draw on your experience as a teacher and/or student, as well as our class discussion. It is…

The Rise of Composition Theory

Mike Calou Commentary Week Number Seven 4-1-09 The Rise of Composition Theory “Yessssssssss!!!” Said with an image of Napoleon Dynamite in my mind. Finally, we are starting to read, and eventually discuss, the process of teaching writing. Don’t get me…

Mid-term Responses

Dawn Hamilton Mid-term Questions: Set A: The relationship between the study of rhetoric and the development of virtue or an ethical sense has been debated since classical times.   A3. In writing classes today, how might a perception that studying…