English 5010

The Age of Postcriticism . . . Really?

The goal of Selber’s book “Multiliteracies for a Digital Age”  is to provide teachers with a guide for implementing computer literacy programs with the result of producing multiliterate students.  As a result of the dominant presence of computers in the…


Myspace and Facebook are trendy (one may be more so than the other) .  In fact, regardless of the logic/science/rhetoric/ etc. behind many movements, in order for them to ascend to the masses they must become “cool” in the minds…

Education as a Solution

When I think about the potential for computer virus attack I get worried.  After reading the Jonathan Zittrain chapters I wonder why there isn’t more destruction wreaked by rogue hackers and evil doers.  According to Zittrain, the personal computer (PC)…

Redefining Literacy

The inability to use a computer–for communication or commerce, or even for personal enjoyment–can severely limit one’s ability to function in today’s world. In short, being illiterate has to do with lacking communication skills, and those skills are no longer…

Emergence of Writing as a Key Player

Writing programs have waited a long time to be considered as important as Literature studies.  Many faculty who have taught writing have been nontenurable track employees because writing is considered the low man on the totem pole.  Writing is thought…

Redefining English Literature

As I was reading this week, I kept getting the impression that in order for English as a subject to survive and maintain student interest, some of the ideas and concepts connected with it need to change or be redefined.…