
Parent for all the individual classes

Another Big Purse?

When I read and watched the information on Burell’s site about diigo I was instantly in love with it.  I am the type of person who loves her books, magazines and various other resources and I keep them all if…

JZ: The Future of Internet…Part II

Zittrain drew some risks that Internet face in Part II.  For one, there the rise of Internet appliances: mobile phones, Kindles, and X-boxes. These gadgets can provide non-risk environment and they are costly to restrict programmers’ ability to be more…


I am still learning how to use Diigo. But this is unbelievable stuff! When did it become available? I had no idea that this was available to everybody. So far, I learned the following features, and I liked them all:…

The Age of Postcriticism . . . Really?

The goal of Selber’s book “Multiliteracies for a Digital Age”  is to provide teachers with a guide for implementing computer literacy programs with the result of producing multiliterate students.  As a result of the dominant presence of computers in the…


Myspace and Facebook are trendy (one may be more so than the other) .  In fact, regardless of the logic/science/rhetoric/ etc. behind many movements, in order for them to ascend to the masses they must become “cool” in the minds…

Education as a Solution

When I think about the potential for computer virus attack I get worried.  After reading the Jonathan Zittrain chapters I wonder why there isn’t more destruction wreaked by rogue hackers and evil doers.  According to Zittrain, the personal computer (PC)…