
Parent for all the individual classes

Connecting with the Audience

I wasn’t a huge fan of Gayatri Spivak; I found some of her responses to be cold and political—“I can’t really comment on what goes on in the discipline of rhetoric” (2), “A domestication, a circumscription” (5), and “It is…


Regardless of who should teach ESL students, the writing class has always been downgraded in class of importance compared to literacy.  Many of the writing programs at the university are taught by new teachers or interns.  There is also very…

Tweetilie DEE!!!

          Students today have become the multi-task generation with texting, email and the web 2.0 in general.  Technology could be seen as the new wave of learning in the classroom.  Rhetoricians and Educators have tried some of the tools used…

Project Proposal

“The sprawled body of a young girl lay crushed on the sidewalk the other day after a plunge from the fifth story of a Chicago apartment house.  Everyone called it suicide, but actually it was murder.  The killer was a…


Of course ESL students have different cultural backgrounds, education, and language proficiency as Matsuda mentions in his essay. Ignoring these elements of students only increases the difficulty of teaching them English. I was surprised to read that in 1939 I.A.…

Composition vs. Linguistics

“Well DUH!” This was my continued feeling as I read through Paul K. Matsuda’s article “Composition Studies and ESL Writing: A Disciplinary Division of Labor.” Of course specialized ESL courses are necessary for second-language speakers. As Matsuda gives the history…