In Spring 2009 I volunteered to teach a conversational ESL class without any formal training. My class consisted of 10 students from 7 different countries. All of them tested at the basic level, but their speaking abilities ranged from an…
Classes, English 5001
Rebel’s Dilemma
by kmontero • • 0 Comments
In “Rebel’s Dilemma”, bell hooks writes, “To a grave extent the academy has always been so similar to the dysfunctional patriarchal family hierarchy that hemmed me in as a child that I feel that I can never be truly healthy—well…
English 5001
Protected: Research Project Proposal Summary
by Anne Engert • • Enter your password to view comments.
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English 5001
Rearticulating Articulation, Standard English, and other myths.
by Shirley Miranda • • 0 Comments
In Rearticulating Articulation David Russel and David Foster certainly remind us of our sad and detrimental reality. Our educational system as a whole is no better than any other around the world. In fact, the issues of transition between high…
English 5001
Cultural Snap Phooie
by lminnis209 • • 0 Comments
When you have so many opinions and cultures weighing in on how writing should be taught, it is hard to decide what should be done. One over all questions I thought about as I read was, “Why don’t all educational…
US vs. Everyone Else: Where Do We Fall?
by MaryAnn Macedo • • 0 Comments
This week’s articles have given me a lot to think on, specifically about how America’s way of teaching writing relates to that of other countries. I have long been aware that our system is considerably different from that of others…