Tag Archive for 5001


Regardless of who should teach ESL students, the writing class has always been downgraded in class of importance compared to literacy.  Many of the writing programs at the university are taught by new teachers or interns.  There is also very…

Tweetilie DEE!!!

          Students today have become the multi-task generation with texting, email and the web 2.0 in general.  Technology could be seen as the new wave of learning in the classroom.  Rhetoricians and Educators have tried some of the tools used…

Composition vs. Linguistics

“Well DUH!” This was my continued feeling as I read through Paul K. Matsuda’s article “Composition Studies and ESL Writing: A Disciplinary Division of Labor.” Of course specialized ESL courses are necessary for second-language speakers. As Matsuda gives the history…

Anne Engert Midterm, A2 and B1

Anne Engert Dr. Kim DeVries English 5001 9 Apr. 2010 Midterm A2: Explain the Classical and enlightenment definitions of rhetoric and propose a contemporary definition.  Account for the differences between the three. The Western rhetorical tradition has a long and…

(Re)Defining Rhetoric

Based on the readings for the week, it seems to me that the 20th century recovery of rhetoric is about defining what is entailed when we talk about rhetoric.  Not necessarily satisfied with the way rhetoric was being treated, intellectuals…

Sweet and Sour

How can we see another culture as rhetorically important when we disregard the whole cultures validity as an equal?  Maybe soon as a western culture we can start to acknowledge Chinese Rhetoric as an equally valid discourse.  Our past concerns…

The Egg BEFORE the Chicken???

Rushd tries to shed light upon the question of the egg before the chicken question.  Is there existence from non-existence?  How by using God’s “agents” he who created all things creates different agents that are “natural” and “voluntary”?  A natural agent does their…

Creating a “New” Rhetoric

I completely agree with what Joel has written about the sense of caring and sharing in the Nyaya rhetorical perspective.  It appears that within that system of dialogue and debate, the goal is to come to a common understanding of…