Research Proposal

I’m still having trouble narrowning my focus.  But here goes.  During one hour of televison, many commercial advertisments will air.  Some of these advertisements seem foreign to me, and my only explanataion for my lack of  any connection with the commercial is that it was designed for an audience other than myself.  Since I am a midde-aged women living in a rather conservative area, there is no doubt that some advertisements are meant to persuade me, but others are directed toward a much younger audience.  These advertisements do not seem to have a purpose.  Sometimes they do not have words.  And although I have taught teenagers for many years, I do not think I am quite in touch with their world, and these advertisements prove it.  I would like to explore the use of persuasive rhetoric in commercial advertisement.  The most compelling field would be commercials designed for teenagers.

4 comments for “Research Proposal

  1. Rachel
    March 12, 2009 at 7:04 pm

    I think the first step is finding something that interests you. I’m not sure how “reliable” it is as a source, but you could probably ask your teenagers about their perceptions, and there are probably countless blogs out there that address certain advertisements. What do you hope to accomplish through this project? I only ask because getting that out in words is often a way to get the creative juices flowing. Plus, you have the added benefit of getting to watch TV while “researching” and compiling information. Good luck to you.

  2. lmarik
    March 25, 2009 at 11:49 am


    This topic could be fascinating to research. I agree with Rachel’s idea of asking your teenage students. Some of your research could be interviews with or questionnaires for students, along with blogs as Rachel suggested. The research could be discovering the “invisible” rhetoric which seems to pass one audience by by capture another. What’s at work there?

    I’m sure I haven’t helped you narrow your topic, but you’ve gotten me very interested in it!


  3. Kathy
    March 26, 2009 at 3:08 pm

    Hi Tina, I like the topic. Advertising is so connected to psychology and how the mind works and what makes people pay attention. It would be fascinating to see what attracts today’s teens and how that has changed. One commercial that really attracts me is the animated Comcast commercial where various people are participating in life and singing a monotone, rhythmically repetitious song. I can’t really tell you why it makes me pay attention. Fascinating topic! I hope you zero in on what you want to accomplish:)

  4. Keri
    March 31, 2009 at 6:32 pm

    As a former advertising major I can assure you that there is a lot of information and research availiable on this topic. One of the most memorable things that I learned as an ad major is that a commercial is only “good” if one can recall the product advertised. Maybe that might help you narrow your topic. What if you looked at the commercial entertainment of an advertisement and how it relates to promoting the product. For example, there is this commercial out right now with a couple on a tandem bicycle. The woman has long flowing locks of hair in her armpits. The gimmick is”You think this is wrong?” Many of my friends have seen and remembered this commercial but no one can recall the product other than it is a cell phone or service because the ad gets in the way of the product. In a good commercial, (singing)”Like a good neighbor,” everyone knows what comes next and can remember the procuct. In relating this to ads directed towars teens you could look at the effectiveness of the rhetorical elements. Can the teens recall the products for their favorite commercials? Sorry if I am rambling. I am advertisement obsessed and love this topic.

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