Ok! You have now not only registered here, but have set up your own blog. You are ready to start participating in Web 2.0. Yay!
Maribel Andrade http://maribel5.wordpress.com
Stefanie Arevalo
Brittanee Avila http://bavila3.wordpress.com
Grant Berlanga-Hurst http://gberlangahurst.wordpress.com
Amelia Blades http://ablades.wordpress.com
Emily Breuss http://ebreuss.wordpress.com/
Jonathan Carreon http://johnnytwo.wordpress.com/
Jeremiah Casillas http://sexypanda.wordpress.com/
Jessica Contreras
Marcus Duran http://marcus2020.wordpress.com/
Halie Early http://midnightred777.wordpress.com/
Jeanette Garcia
Becky Garcia http://csustan.wordpress.com
Fernando Garduno http://fernando0918.wordpress.com/
Gill Navi http://navigill.wordpress.com/
Nimita Kishore http://nkishorenewmedia.wordpress.com/
Ashley Laranjo http://ashes9109.wordpress.com
Jessie Lopez http://jlopez22.wordpress.com/
Grisel Maldonado http://gmaldonado2.wordpress.com
Karina Mendoza-Gonzalez http://karisteph.wordpress.com
Hannah Noonan http://hannahnoonan.wordpress.com/
Alyssa Placido http://aplacido.wordpress.com
Jesus Solorio http://jesussolorio23.wordpress.com/
Rachel Sponder http://rsponder.wordpress.com
Maria Tovar-Alvarado
Jessica White
I feel that new media has gotten to the point where it is going to completely take over old media(newspaper, television, radio, cd’s, etc.). Everything can be done in an easier manner with the new media and it enhances the original experience. From sports to local news the new media has reached out to all sources of inquiry. Yet it is only a matter of time before the new media becomes the old media due to tne consistent improvements of the new media in its effectiveness.
The new media has given me the ability to check my favorite sports and thier updates without the need of having to read the newspaper or watch sport shows waiting on what I want to be informed about. Then there is the music world with ipods and being able to get from point A to point B with the beat of music at my ears. I’m even taking a class online instead of in person without the need of pen or pencil. Entertainment of television and it being better in HD or missing my favorite show and watching it online later instead.
Kanwarpreet Dhaliwal
URL: http://dhaliwalk.wordpress.com/
I thought we were posting the new media blog assignments on our wordpress…
but anywaysss
Jeremiah Casillas
omg it took me forever and a day to figure out this blog assignment.. maybe next time you can inform some of the students who need help on how to set up a blog. i had a really hard time figuring it out and im still not sure if i did it right.
“In Emily Bruess’s Words”
“In Emily Breuss’s Words”
for some reason my website isn’t posted above. It is http://hannahnoonan.wordpress.com/