Author Archive for Mariana

Final Project: TOEFL website

Here is the link to the website Ryan and I developed over the course of the semester: You should be able to view everything except the blog (because the site is set to private). Thank you so much for…

How full of myself am I?

Schaefer’s article only reiterated a lot of things I have already discovered on my own about a lot of companies now and how they put their users to work for them, without pay or credit to improve their software.  Thank…

Scouting Report: ESL Class blog

In the field of ESL teaching, the four skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing) are what are considered to be key components in achieving fluency in a language. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) have drafted a…

Another Big Purse?

When I read and watched the information on Burell’s site about diigo I was instantly in love with it.  I am the type of person who loves her books, magazines and various other resources and I keep them all if…

English Allies

I ended my blog with this question: To me, since reading and writing go hand-in-hand, shouldn’t they be allies in the digital takeover? “The Figure of Writing and the Future of English Studies” made me wonder about the content of…