Author Archive for mgarcia5

Commentary on Stoller

Commentary Ten: Stoller Ethnography/Memoir/Imagination/Story According to Stoller, there is not “one best way” to write ethnography.  Stoller states that “Each body of ethnographic material is unique and therefore requires a specifically contoured textual strategy…there are key elements that are necessary…

Commentary of Pryer

Maria J. Garcia Commentary for 4/28/09 “Imagining Educational Research: On the Uses of Fiction in Autobiographical Narrative Inquiry” Author: Allison Pryer   Allison Pryer’s article brings up, when quoting Kathleen Rockhill “the boundaries of the speakable” and the concept of…

Commentary on Foucault, 4-21-09

Foucault’s metaphor of the Panopticon is relevant to our course in an ethnographic approach to classroom observation in that it emphasizes the “disciplined” infiltration of “the all seeing eye” into society as a whole, and in particular, into the schools. …

Class Log for 3/24/09

Maria J. Garcia Class Log for English 5870: 3/24/09   6:10 pm- Faye distributed log notes regarding our 3/l7/09 class meeting; she goes into a review and summary of said notes   From class of 3/17/09: can we be aware…

Mid-Term Question #2

Maria J. Garcia 4/7/09 Mid-Term Question #2 2. We have talked a lot about subjectivity during the last few weeks. Focusing on the problems of subjectivity, use the readings to develop an approach to dealing with subjectivity in your classroom…

Mid-term question #5

Mid-Term Maria J. Garcia Dr. K. DeVries 4/7/09   Question #5   “The readings in this class have focused the ways that ethnography is particularly suited to those researchers who are truly wondering, seeking, curious.  Share your experiences in your…

Commentary on Percy

Remember the first time you fell in love? Remember how bright and colorful the world seemed to be? Remember that the annoying thing that always bothered you did not bother you the day you had your first kiss, or your…

Commentary #5

Remember the first time you fell in love? Remember how bright and colorful the world seemed to be? Remember that the annoying thing that always bothered you did not bother you the day you had your first kiss, or your…

Commentary on Goffman

My immediate reaction to Goffman in The Presentation of Self was that he was saying we are all fakes; all “actors on a stage.”  However, after much consideration, I have changed my position. I believe his essay describes human nature,…