Author Archive for annacole1

I am a student in the 5001.

Why Murder?

        Why Murder? A Rhetorical Analysis of P.D. James’ An Unsuitable Job For A Woman By Nicole G. Brown English 5001 Term Paper Dr. Kim Devries   Introduction      Rhetoric is revealing of truth; it is this…

Thoughts inspired by Emig

Writing is a learned behavior and talking is natural. This phrase from Janet Emig’s article, “Writing as a  Mode of writing” really sticks out for me today.   It doesn’t take any training to speak, but it does take learning to…

Matsuda ESL Composition

The reading — Composition Studies and ESL Writing: A Disciplinary Division of Labor Paul Kei Matsuda   In this Article Paul Kei Matsuda describes the what writing teachers encounter when embarking on composition studies for ESL writers.  ESL has historically…

Thoughts on Orientalism Reconsidered

The Reading— Orientalism Reconsidered by Edward W. Said  The Said reading was not my favorite one.  My interest for Orientalism is waning.  I thought this reading was going to be an account of rhetorical practices like the Xing Lu readings,…

Binary in Spivak

The reading—-Rhetoric and Cultural Explanation: A Discussion with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak  In this interview of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, I found it interesting that Spivak does not give an exact definition of Rhetoric when asked.  Rhetoric in our modern time is…


Looking at Western, Indian and Chinese classical rhetorics, we can see both similarities and differences B3.  Briefly compare the political frameworks in which Western and Chinese rhetoric have developed.  Define a relationship between the avenues of political expression open to…

MidTerm A2

The relationship between the study of rhetoric and the development of virtue or an ethical sense has been debated since classical times. A2.  Explain the classical and Enlightenment definitions of rhetoric and propose a contemporary definition. Account for differences between…


“A Grammar of Motives” Burke is confusing to me.  I did not quite understand the pentad.  I am thinking that when presented with a philosophy, a problem, or a question, it is necessary to look at the origin of the…

Response to Mystery Proposal

We talked about Burke, but not about the Pentad.  I found some sources that may help me: The Rhetoric of Fiction – Wayne C. Booth; Detective Fiction – Robin W. Wink; Bloody Murder – Julian Symons; The Detective Novel of…