Author Archive for simi dhaliwal

My name is Simi Dhaliwal. I am an RTW student.

Matsuda commentary

    Rather, second-language writing should be seen as an integral part of both composition     studies and second-language studies, and specialists in both professions should try to   transform their institutional practices in ways that reflect the needs and characteristics…

Political Rhetoric / Project Proposal

Medi-Cal is California’s Medicaid program. This is a public health insurance program which provides needed health care services for low-income individuals including families with children, seniors, persons with disabilities, foster care, pregnant women, and low income people with specific diseases…

Simi Dhaliwal Midterm

A 1. Discuss how views of this relationship have changed over time, or compare the issue across the Greek/Roman, Indian, and Chinese traditions we’ve discussed. The study of rhetoric has affected notions of ethics and virtue in almost all rhetorical…

Philosopher on Attack Week 3

After reading the Ramus article, I feel many of the rhetoricians we have read share one quality, attack. Ramus’ approach on arguing his ideas is charged with insulting words and persuasive appeal to the audience to hate Quintilian’s ideas.  He…


Alex I like your response on the Bain reading, I would like to elaborate on your ideas with some examples. Bain requires a specific structure to argument, which I feel is contradictory to many of the philosophers we have read.…


I found this in my drafts for some reason it never got published ? “What greater intellectual treat than the brilliant discourse of a perfect scholar?” In Cicero “De Oratore”, Cicero is confident that the power an orator possesses is…


“That is just what I suspected you meant, Gorgias. But don’t be surprised if a little later on I repeat this procedure and ask additional questions when the answer seems to be already clear. This, as I say, is not…